Here, you can find information, statistics and links to further resources about domestic violence, including: what it is and who it affects; the prevalence of domestic violence in Connecticut and nationwide; signs of an abusive relationship; what to do and where to turn if you are a victim; and what you can do to help others.

Northeastern Connecticut Resources & Information
For domestic violence information, resources and support specific to the Northeastern Connecticut area, call the CT Safe Connect Hotline at 888-774-2900.
Connecticut Statewide Resources & Information
A summary of, and links to, CT laws pertaining to domestic violence, courtesy of the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
CT Statewide Statistics, Fact Sheets and Information
Courtesy of the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
CT Coaltion Against Domestic Violence |
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) is the state’s leading voice for victims of domestic violence and those agencies that serve them. The Coalition is a membership organization comprised of Connecticut’s 18 domestic violence service agencies, including the United Services Domestic Violence Program.
CT Office of Victim Services |
The state’s lead agency to provide services to victims of violent crimes, including court-based advocates, victim notification and victim compensation.
CT Office of the Victim Advocate |
An independent state agency charged with the promotion and protection of the constitutional and statutory rights of crime victims in Connecticut.
CT Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) |
A free, confidential service that provides crime victims and their family members, victim advocates, and members of the community free and confidential notification of court related events.
Connecticut Statewide Resources & Information
CT Domestic Violence Laws
A summary of, and links to, CT laws pertaining to domestic violence, courtesy of the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
CT Statewide Statistics, Fact Sheets and Information
Courtesy of the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
CT Coaltion Against Domestic Violence |
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) is the state’s leading voice for victims of domestic violence and those agencies that serve them. The Coalition is a membership organization comprised of Connecticut’s 18 domestic violence service agencies, including the United Services Domestic Violence Program.
CT Office of Victim Services |
The state’s lead agency to provide services to victims of violent crimes, including court-based advocates, victim notification and victim compensation.
CT Office of the Victim Advocate |
An independent state agency charged with the promotion and protection of the constitutional and statutory rights of crime victims in Connecticut.
CT Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) |
A free, confidential service that provides crime victims and their family members, victim advocates, and members of the community free and confidential notification of court related events.
National & Online Resources
NO MORE is a new movement designed to galvanize greater awareness and action to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Backed by celebrity star-power and supported by major organizations working to address these urgent issues, NO MORE is gaining support with Americans nationwide, sparking new conversations about these problems and moving this cause higher on the public agenda.
The United Services Domestic Violence Program is an official “Ally Organization” of NO MORE.
National Network to End Domestic Violence |
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence |
National Domestic Violence Hotline |
National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence |
National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women|
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Futures Without Violence |
For Teens & Young Adults
Thank you to these generous supporters of the domestic violence program:
Connecticut Department of Social Services
The Jeffrey P. Ossen Family Foundation
The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut – Women & Girls Fund
Soroptimist International of Willimantic
The donations of caring community members like you –
Make a Donation…