Kinship Care Social Group

The Kinship Care Group offers peer support and parenting strategies to grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, or other extended family members or friends who are raising children because their biological parents are unable to do so. Those who have an active, hands-on connection in raising extended family members or friends’ children are also invited to join. The goal is to offer a supportive environment to help families share their experiences, learn new parenting skills, and share concerns, information and resources.
Support Group Schedule & Locations
The Kinship Care Group meets once per month for 90 minutes. Childcare is provided free of charge and includes crafts and outside play.
Second Tuesday of each month
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
United Services – Wauregan Office
303 Putnam Rd., Wauregan
Lori Bergstrom, Prevention Services Manager