Young Adult Services
The Young Adult Services (YAS) program is located in the Willimantic/Mansfield area and serves young adults, ages 18 to 25, diagnosed with a mental illness.

YAS provides not only clinical treatment but also continuity of care with community-based support services including case management, vocational, educational and recreational rehabilitation, housing and psychiatric services. The underlying philosophy is to promote people recovery, independence and empowerment in a community setting.
Program Services & Goals
- Clinical diagnostic assessments
- Assistance in developing social system supports
- Fostering school success and vocational readiness
- Fostering independent living, pro-social behaviors and social skills
- Fostering relationships by using both traditional and non-traditional supports
- Emphasizing stabilization through supports rather than office-based therapy
- Reinforcing substance misuse prevention
- Using planned step-downs to less intensive levels of support
- An integral part of the program is supported housing, which includes transitional housing and drop-in center for people living on their own or with family.
Program Participation & Referrals
Participation in the YAS program is by referral only, and all referrals must be reviewed by the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services’ Clinical Director of Young Adult Services before placement. Generally, the program is open to young adults with both a diagnosed mental illness and a history of involvement with the Department of Children and Families. But people may also be referred by family members, Local Mental Health Authorities, schools, or other providers.
Program Contact Info: Phone: 860-456-2261 | Fax: 860-450-7167
Funding for this program is provided in part by the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS).
United Services offers a Sliding Scale Fee Program for people who do not have insurance or whose income is insufficient to pay outstanding balances.